Monday, December 15, 2008

18!!!!! soon.....

Something really bad happened to my Mobile phone today. Can't seem to use it. sigh.... gotta go repair tomorrow. Luckily it's original, if anything happens to my phone. the Sony people will change a new one for me, isn't it great. Can't contact people these few days, although I have got a spare phone, but need to charge first and the battery is a bit weak.

Results will be out really soon and I'm kinda worried about it. Mommy says she'll bring me to KL early next month to check out the accommodation and I'm going to get a bank account at CIMB and get the loan thingy from them too, but my friends said I need to get interviewed before getting the loan.

I'm going to get a laptop soon too, gonna check out this Saturday. Wanna get a Mac book or Sony vaio. Finished reading Breaking Dawn and looking forward to the movie, New Moon.

My darling said he bought a pot for my birthday so I can cook when I'm at KL.

Hey people, my birthday is coming, it's on the 31st of December!!!!! Presents people!!!! muahahaha!!!!!!!! I'm turning 18 soon..... really soon.......

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