Sunday, March 1, 2009


I can't sleep well last night because I was having a nightmare.

I dreamt of that someone betraying me by sms-ing the other girl called Elizabeth Lee ( strangely, I can still remember 'her' name)

The sun is my alarm clock, it shines directly to my butt...... ish......

Should be studying now, Chemistry test is on Tues and I screwed up my chem test 1 already, don't wanna screw up this one too.

But I can't study, after chem test, I'm free. No more class test, but got a lot of assignments, but who cares...... gotta decorate my room after that and tidy up a bit.

My housemate came into my room yesterday and she said my room is very clean and tidy, I was like: really? After that I went to the kitchen then only I realise why she said my room is c & t already. The kitchen is damn dirty( I don't keep my stuff there because the kitchen has some sour-ly smelly smell except the things in the fridge la) and the washing machine place is damn dirty also, it has got tissue paper all over the place and the place is wet..... the floor is damn sticky and oily + she got hair fall problem

The damn long hair + the damn oily & sticky floor = a damn dirty

Overall, she's okay la..... except when she brought her friends back...... damn noisy! ISH......

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